Pricing? None. It’s (and will remain) Free.

No one should have to pay to view the value of their assets.

I created All My Capital with one goal in mind: to let everyone view the value of their portfolio without spending a cent. The idea came to me after a frustrating experience: I was using a free platform to track my assets. Later, that platform became paid if I wanted to manage more than 10 assets in my portfolio. I simply wanted to check the value of my portfolio, and I found it unacceptable to pay a subscription for that.

So, I decided to develop the tool I wished I had: a 100% free and anonymous platform, designed for users like me.

Why is it free?

  • No ads, no data resale: I am committed to ensuring you can use All My Capital without being bombarded by ads or fearing any sharing of your information with third parties.
  • No premium features: I have no plans for paid services in the future. The idea is to keep the platform accessible to everyone, regardless of the features offered.

How do I cover the costs?

Currently, I personally fund the hosting and domain name, and all the APIs I use are free. I develop the platform in my spare time, so I don’t have significant costs to recover.

If the need for paid APIs arises in the future, I will consider possible funding solutions (e.g., a voluntary donation button). But as long as it’s not necessary, I’d rather not ask for anything.

What about partnerships?

For now, I haven’t entered into any partnerships with external players. But I’m open to the idea if it helps fund improvements or lets me offer you new, interesting assets to add to your portfolio.

However, I’m committed to ensuring these partnerships don’t compromise your anonymity or lead to intrusive solutions that would ruin the user experience. Neutrality and transparency are values that will always remain important to me.

The free nature of All My Capital is part of its core concept. My goal is simply to make this service sustainable while preserving your peace of mind. And I hope we can evolve this platform together.